24-Hour Hotline: 281-342-HELP (4357)
Together, we can empower survivors of domestic violence and sexual assault to find hope and thrive in our community.
We’re here for you today, tomorrow, and all along the way. Begin the next steps of your healing journey.
Our programs are centered around a vibrant hub where survivors have access to a robust range of services + resources.
It takes a cohesive network of individuals to keep our programs buzzing with positive growth.
Thriftwise sales directly benefit our mission. Shop resale goods online or at our 2 Houston locations.
Join us on Saturday, June 28th
A First-Class Farewell & Fundraiser
Join us for a high-flying night of fun with dinner, drinks, dancing, a live auction, and celebration—all in support of a great cause! We'll be bidding farewell to our CEO Vita Goodell, as she jets off into retirement after 22 years of dedicated service to the Fort Bend Women’s Center.
We are here for you today, tomorrow, and all along the way. Get in touch to receive guidance on the next steps of your healing journey.
10,000 calls and growing
Help us meet the increasing need!!
Services for survivor empowerment
Our 2024 Journey
Survive, Revive, Thrive
"Tell me what's going on, Vanessa gently prompted."Well I just don't know what to do. Things have always been bad with my husband, but this past year..." Sandra's voice dropped off.
"It's going to be okay. You are here' We're going to get you the help you need."
Vanessa walked her through her options, made a safety plan with her, gave her resources and information. Most importantly, she got her into counseling in FBWC's non-residential program. This program helps survivors at any stage of their journey. Sandra had started on hers.
Begin your journey to healing and hope - call our hotline at 281-342-HELP (4357) or chat with an advocate by clicking on the "Chat Now" box in the lower right of the website.
Upcoming Events & Activities
Volunteer Orientation
Learn more about the Volunteer Opportunities we have available. Start making a difference today!
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Join us in bidding farewell to our beloved CEO Vita Goodell as she jets off into retirement. Tickets are now on sale!