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The Facts about Abuse

No matter the type,
Abuse is wrong.

Abuse is about one person exercising power and control over another. It may be physical, but it can also be financial, psychological, spiritual, sexual, verbal and emotional. It can and does happen to all kinds of people, regardless of their age, gender, income, education or ethnicity. It is never their fault.

Abuse in Texas

In 2018, more women in Texas were killed by their male intimate partner than at any time during the previous decade. Harris County had more male and female intimate partner fatalities than the next three highest fatality counties combined.

(Source: Texas Council on Family Violence).

Leaving doesn’t equal safety

1 in 3
Women killed by their intimate partner in Texas had ended the relationship.

(Source: Texas Council on Family Violence).

Survivor Stat

Sexual Assault Reports

6.3 million Texans have experienced some form of sexual assault in their lifetime


Source: University of Texas at Austin Institute on Domestic Violence and Sexual Assault

Abuse in the United States

About 1 in 4 women and nearly 1 in 10 men have experienced sexual violence, physical violence, and/or stalking by an intimate partner during their lifetime and reported some form of intimate partner violence related impact.

1 in 5 women experience rape or attempted rape in their lifetime. More than a third of women in the US report unwanted sexual contact in their lifetime.


Over 43 million women and 38 million men experienced psychological aggression by an intimate partner in their lifetime.


Nearly 23 million women and 1.7 million men have been the victims of rape or attempted rape in their lifetime.

0 in 5

Women report having experienced severe physical violence from an intimate partner in their lifetime.

0 in 7

Men report having experienced severe physical violence from an intimate partner in their lifetime.