
Donate To Survivors

New Starts

Rebuilding lives

When a survivor and their children arrive at Fort Bend Women's Center, many times, they only have the clothes on their back, much less items they will need to begin rebuilding their lives, free of abuse. The wish lists below contain the most needed items.

All donations are greatly appreciated. To donate directly to survivors in need, either at our Emergency Shelter or in our long-term care program, please click the button to see a complete list of items and kits that can be donated by individuals or groups!
Kits for Survivors

You can also order directly from our Amazon Wish List here: Amazon Wish List

Thank you for your support! Every donation makes a difference!

Be the beacon of hope in the darkest of times, and shine your light on survivors of domestic violence and sexual assault. Please donate today to help survivors on their journey towards Healing & Hope.