Your Impact

Pave the Way, Families in Need
Breaking the cycle of violence for the next generation starts with education and intervention. Childhood domestic violence survivors deserve a place where they can be children again, to grow in confidence and achieve their potential. Living with domestic violence can greatly damage children’s physical, emotional and social development. Children who experience violence at home are more likely to experience anxiety, sleep issues, and academic problems. Sadly, their childhood experiences can also result in their becoming victims of abuse later in life or turning into abusers themselves. Over half of the survivors served by FBWC are children who need a safe place and a support system to help break the cycle of violence, once and for all.
Survivor families need the Rio Bend community where they can thrive and have access to programs and resources that we provide. Through our case management, counselling, legal advocacy, rental assistance and children’s programs at Rio Bend, survivors have the resources to rebuild their lives, free of violence and fear, with all the support services they need, all in one community. The journey back to freedom, self-sufficiency and independence is a hard one for many of the survivors we serve – we want to give them the very best opportunity to succeed.