Who We Are

We Provide Healing and Hope for Survivors

Our Mission

Assist, Protect, Prevent

Our mission is to assist ALL survivors of domestic violence and sexual assault and their children to achieve safety and self-sufficiency, while striving to prevent violence against women.


# of total survivors of domestic abuse and sexual assault helped by our program since 1980

0 Years

of serving women, men, and children in the Greater Houston/Fort Bend Area.


We are the primary provider of assistance services for survivors of domestic violence and sexual assault in Fort Bend County, just outside of Houston, Texas.

and Empowerment

Our goal is to guide survivors as they heal from their abuse. We equip them with the emotional, psychological and practical skills and resources to create a hopeful, safe, independent life free of abuse.

and Inclusive

All of our services are completely free of charge and open to ALL survivors of domestic abuse and sexual assault - regardless of gender, age, race, religion, sexual orientation or identity

 Because we believe EVERY survivor deserves the chance to thrive.



1980 | New Beginnings

In 1980, Pat Altman a Rosenberg Attorney, Timothy Sloane, Assistant District Attorney, and Paulette Greene, a Rosenberg businesswoman, recognized the need for domestic violence services in the community and initiated the development of the Fort Bend Women's Center, Inc. (FBCWC). Since October 1980, FBCWC has responded to the needs of women who seek a life free of mental, emotional, and physical abuse. Soon after the Center's inception, a telephone hotline was implemented, which provided individuals with emergency counseling and referral services. The hotline laid the foundation for other programs aimed at counteracting the effects of family violence. 


As time progressed, increased concern for the health and safety of women and children led to the acquisition of a shelter. A rented home in Stafford, Texas offered survivors the tangibles of a shelter, food and clothing, and the intangibles of respite, protection, and caring reassurance for themselves and their children.





A sexual assault component was added in 1986 by Board President Jean Ann Hartland and was expanded to include a part-time staff person. Also added was a P.A.V. (Personal Accompaniment Volunteer) program and a Speaker's Bureau, which covered such topics as rape trauma syndrome, prevention, types of rape, and rape myths and facts. The Sexual Assault Program also offers professional organizations, such as police departments, a sensitivity awareness training to assist officers working with sexual assault survivors. The program offers several support groups including incest survivor, sexual assault survivors, adult friends and family, and female adolescents. Also in 1986, a grant from The George Foundation made possible the permanent acquisition of a shelter facility and an increase in the shelter's capacity from 21 to 30 residents.


1989, 1990, 1991 were banner years for expansion, including the following Center service: a new Thrift Shop yielded over $32,000 in 1989 during its first year of operation. By 1995 income for the Shop had grown to $300,000. The hotline expanded to a 24-hour service. Increased networking with Polly Ryon Memorial Hospital provided immediate assistance to survivors of domestic violence and sexual assault. A 3,000 square foot home, donated by Mr. and Mrs. John Lipinski and renovated by The Knights of Columbus, was moved to the current shelter site and converted into a facility for mothers with teenage boys.


In 1992 a children's program was added to work actively with client's children, provide assessment tools, parenting skills, experimental field trips, and learning opportunities for children and their parents. Because many clients were leaving the shelter with insufficient skills to maintain an independent household, a transitional housing program was added. An adjunct to the children's component and funded by the Hogg Foundation, the program provided clients with rental assistance, in-home visits, and other support for an 8-month period after leaving the shelter. The program reduced the rate of women returning to the batterer from 65% to 10%.


In 1993, life skills services were added to the shelter program including attire for interviews, resume preparation, and a computerized GED training program. Phase I of shelter renovation was also completed and the Thrift Shop moved to larger quarters at 416 Highway 90A.


1995 was another banner year. The Thrift and Resale Shop moved and expanded to open an "As Is Shop." specializing in reduced price merchandise. Board President Cyndi M. Shofner added a "Sweet Charity" furniture pick-up service. The Thrift and Resale Shop, As Is Shop, and Sweet Charity furniture pick-up sales exceeded all funds received from the county, state and federal governments combined. A major reorganization of the Center occurred in 1995, including a new management staff and upgrading of educational and licensing. The Director of Sexual Assault was made a full-time position, enabling further expansion of the Sexual Assault Program.


In 1996 Phase II of the shelter renovation, and installation of a 2-room building for the children's program was completed. In 1998 FBCWC's focus became a three-tiered approach to domestic violence: 1) continuation and expansion of Shelter programs, 2) increased education in the schools down to the elementary level to stop intergenerational violence by males, 3) non-resident counseling, child-care, literacy services, job training, case management and other supportive services that address the multiple needs of women who leave to begin new violence-free lives.


2001 marked the opening of the agency's new state-of-the-art shelter. The new facility was built to house a capacity of 60-65 women and children. The capacity is a 50% increase over the previous shelter. The new shelter also has added features such as an on-site clinic and learning resource center. Also, the children's area more than doubled. A teen room was also built in so that teen special needs may be addressed. Further, 50 units of transitional scattered site, transition in place, housing for approximately a year in length were added for survivors to access safe housing while working toward self sufficiency plans.


The Thrift Store expanded in 2003 and opened a second location in Stafford and was renamed PennyWise Resale Shop. The Resale Shops currently account for 26% of the agencies funds and continues to provide clothing and furniture to clients and their children.


The wellness and stability program was developed and added in 2009. The funding for this program provides housing for DV survivors who have mental health disabilities as a result of abuse.


The Administrative Offices and the Richmond PennyWise store were relocated to a brand new facility in May 2014.


The Rio Bend Community was purchased and the existing houses were converted to 1, 2, and 3 bedroom units for clients in the Wellness and Stability Program. The Joe C. and Dorothy B Watkins Resource Center was built and opened in 2021 allowing for the expansion of our case management, housing, and legal aid programs.

Feb 1 @ 12:00 AM


Watch our social media accounts for the signs of teen dating violence and educate yourself and your teens. Love = Respect!